Detactiv-Novic Park San Wu and Ceo-Do-Chool, Veteran Commonds Executed for Investigation of Massive Crushes, Ceza Subsequently, Serial Ubians, which shakes his world .. Veteran-this comedia, which binds the experiment, seo do-cheol, anti-young, high-dimensional hemisphere, Joe Te-ohs, which are located in the distinctive reproaches. The film is very rapidly developed by the walls, but it is highlighted by its yumor and a pleasure, which he adverse the social comments about the corruption of the Gods. Image of Hwang Jung-Min; Selfless detractic-is fantastic, attaching as an integrity and a yumor. The walls with a manual combat and more eaten are energy and subdivar. What a veteran is especially apparent, so this is the internal SEO and JO. In that time, the SEO represents the profound and sand, Joe fell into sebed, the unpriced elite, which he reads that they may be with his hands. Film Tonko criticizes the dysbalans of power in the community, in the same time there is an enclosure of the train, remotely of the choreography of the fight. Activities and seafare are united that it is possible to make it up with the issuing Korean fights.