Bob Trevino Likes It HC.DVDRipDVD9 Magnet Crackle

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Bob Trevino likes to be inspired by a real friendship that the writer / director of Tracie Laymon found with a stranger looking for his father online. Lily Trevino often plays the role of a manager with people like her father who should take care of herself, aspires to her family connection that her mother left when she was a child, then her father suddenly suddenly. Bob Trevino only works long hours in the construction company to support the habit of scrapbooking his wife Jeanie. The couple has lasted a lot in the last decade, and Bob has tried to put their wife first, to ignore their own feelings and the need for friendship, meaning and connection, until they receive a Unexpected Facebook message from a stranger. The flourishing friendship of Lily and Bob becomes a vital source of connection and healing in both lives. The small actions of the kindness of the authorship of bobs fill the family gap in Lily’s life and keep the power to change their direction forever. The two must learn that they deserve an exceptional love which is an example of small acts of kindness.

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